Find Out Fun!

What an amazing week we all had last week! The children experienced such a wide range of learning activities and investigations from asking some seriously scientific questions about the process of fire-fighting to putting carnivorous plants under the microscope. We had a long list of people to thank for helping us out by the end of the week – so to Mr Hall, Mrs Hall, Mr Clark, Mr Hussain, Mr Taylor and all of your teams, thank you from us all for supporting and inspiring the children! Please turn to our website, Facebook and Twitter to see some of the fun we have had. 

At Hunsley Primary, we aim for the children to engage in their Big Question investigations with absolute enjoyment so that learning is a real joy – I shall not quickly forget the lines of children spontaneously jumping and skipping with delight at the sight of the fire engine shooting huge jets of water. That’s something they shall not quickly forget either!

Contact Us
Louise Hitchin - School Administrator
Hunsley Primary
Bluebird Way
HU15 1XB

Telephone: 01482 330883
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