Curriculum Overviews

The teaching staff at Hunsley Primary work closely as a team to plan children’s learning around a detailed set of subject specific Curriculum Progression Maps and Planning Masters. These two planning documents detail the progression of each curriculum subject from EYFS to the end of Year 6 and set down what we call the Threshold Concepts pupils need to master at each stage in their journey through school.

We also share these Progression Maps with our colleagues at South Hunsley to explore how the knowledge gained in primary can be built upon in secondary and how we can work together to develop subject specific teaching across primary into secondary.

The Progression Maps allow staff to see the full picture of knowledge progression for each subject, which we think is essential: rather than seeing maths, French, art and so on in isolation for one year group only, we aim to be able to see how each year group’s learning fits with the bigger picture and how new knowledge build on prior knowledge.

Our long term aim is that the children themselves will also be able to say why they learn what they learn and when! This will mean that they understand how knowledge builds and why it is so important.

For parents and carers, to have an overview of what your child will be studying in any given year, we have also created handy Curriculum Overviews, simple thumbnails of what will be covered in each year. The teaching staff work to the detailed curriculum progression maps, however we have summarised these for ease of access.

For Religious Studies, we will be following the agreed syllabus from the local authority. As for any curriculum area, if you would like to look in more depth at any aspect, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Curriculum Overview Summary – English
Curriculum Overview Summary – Religious Education
Curriculum Overview Summary – Maths
Curriculum Overview Summary – Science
Curriculum Overview Summary – PE
Curriculum Overview Summary – Music
Curriculum Overview Summary – Modern Foreign Languages – French
Curriculum Overview Summary – Geography
Curriculum Overview Summary – History
Curriculum Overview Summary – Design Technology
Curriculum Overview Summary – Art
Curriculum Overview Summary – Computing
Contact Us
Louise Hitchin - School Administrator
Hunsley Primary
Bluebird Way
HU15 1XB

Telephone: 01482 330883
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