Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

Our school and all East Riding schools are actively monitoring the situation around the coronavirus (COVID-19) and are acting on any advice given by Public Health England and specific advice provided for school by the Department for Education.

Guidance for travellers returning from certain areas has been updated today. It starts as follows:

If you have returned from these specific areas since February 19, you should call NHS111 and stay indoors and avoid contact with other people even if you do not have symptoms:

  • Iran
  • Specific lockdown areas in Northern Italy as designated by the Government of Italy (12 specific towns)
  • Special care zones in South Korea as designated by the Government of the Republic of South Korea
  • Hubei province (returned in the past 14 days)

We have not been made aware of any pupil or staff member who has returned from any of the above areas since February 19.

The guidance continues:

If you have returned from these areas since February 19th and develop symptoms, however mild, you should stay indoors at home and avoid contact with other people immediately and call NHS111. You do not need to follow this advice if you have no symptoms.

  • Northern Italy (defined by a line above, and not including, Pisa, Florence and Rimini) outside the specific lockdown areas in Northern Italy as designated by the Government of Italy
  • Vietnam
  • Cambodia
  • Laos
  • Myanmar

The latest information for travellers is available here:

General information on the coronavirus (COVID-19) is available on the NHS website here:

Department for Education coronavirus helpline

The Department for Education coronavirus helpline is now available to answer questions about COVID-19 relating to education and children’s social care. Staff, parents and young people can contact this helpline as follows:

Phone: 0800 046 8687
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)

Please be assured that we will continue to monitor the situation and keep parents fully informed.



Contact Us
Louise Hitchin - School Administrator
Hunsley Primary
Bluebird Way
HU15 1XB

Telephone: 01482 330883
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