Delicious smells and flavours at Hunsley Primary

Last week was a week of delicious smells and flavours at Hunsley Primary: we started off with our Lent Investigation, cooking pancakes and sampling them too (naturally)! Then Year 1 were very impressive with their Lighthouse Keeper’s ‘Healthy’ Lunch on Thursday morning, creating their own healthy versions of the lunchtime treats from the story they are studying. Finally, we topped off the menu on Thursday evening with the first of three Cookery Club sessions at South Hunsley – Mrs Maund, Mrs Hall and Mrs Mutter helped the children to create a batch each of tasty Hamantash biscuits which I imagine a few of you sampled on Thursday evening too! We have some chefs of the future here, for sure. It is rather a good job that on Tuesday evening we also held our first Multi-Sports Club of the season too – just to make sure we are working in balance.

Thank you to the South Hunsley Sixth Form Sports Leaders for setting up this club: the children love having the chance to practise their sports.

Contact Us
Louise Hitchin - School Administrator
Hunsley Primary
Bluebird Way
HU15 1XB

Telephone: 01482 330883
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