Hunsley Primary Consultation – Proposal Amendment

Thank you to everyone who has responded during our consultation period. Your response to our plans has been very positive and there has been wide spread support for Hunsley Primary from all stakeholders. The purpose of consultation is for the DfE to collect and consider feedback and suggestions from all stakeholders on our proposals for Hunsley Primary.

Our consultation included the proposal to open with both a Reception and Year 1 class. This was in response to the original housing release plans on the new Brough South development. The first phase of housing was due for release in early 2015 with new families anticipated in the area as early as Summer 2015. As the Brough South development is now facing a delay, a question has been raised by as to the necessity for Hunsley Primary to open with a Year 1 class in September 2015.

Following discussions with the DfE and the East Riding of Yorkshire Council, it seems appropriate to consider revising our plans and open in September 2015 with one class to cater for reception aged children who are starting school for the first time. East Riding of Yorkshire Council has also expressed support for this Reception only model.

The DfE has asked us to extend our consultation period to give all stakeholders the opportunity to comment on this amendment to our proposed plans for Hunsley Primary. This extended consultation period will close on Monday 2nd February 2015.

Contact Us
Louise Hitchin - School Administrator
Hunsley Primary
Bluebird Way
HU15 1XB

Telephone: 01482 330883
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