Hunsley Primary New Build!

We have had a great week last week – not least due to a visit to the Brough South site to see how things are progressing there. Hopefully, you were able to catch the article in the Hull Daily Mail (links on our facebook and twitter sites).

Mr Paddy Hall, Trustee of The Education Alliance and Local Governor for Hunsley Primary who came with me for the visit, was struck by the proximity of the school to natural wetlands and by the outdoor learning opportunities provided by the site.

As things move forward, we will look to document the development of the building and keep you all informed about each exciting stage! We are even beginning to think about how we would like to mark the moment we set down the first foundations of the school – all ideas very welcome!

Check out the Hull Daily Mail’s website to read the super article about Hunsley Primary’s new build. Exciting times!

Contact Us
Louise Hitchin - School Administrator
Hunsley Primary
Bluebird Way
HU15 1XB

Telephone: 01482 330883
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