Newsletter wc 20 May 2019

Lucy Hudson

Welcome to the week. I hope that everyone enjoyed their weekends. We are excited this week to look forward to a Find-Out Friday, all about Chess! We are welcoming our chess expert who will talk to the children about how he became interested in the game and will take groups in workshops as an introduction to the club we will be running. It’s a reminder to us of the many ways in which children are all individuals, needing and enjoying different pastimes and hobbies.

Perhaps you have a hobby or pastime which the children might be interested in learning about? If so, please let us know, as we would like to invite in our parents to share their favourite pastimes, hobbies or activities with the children.

A particular ‘well done’ to Year 2 for last week’s SATs – it’s always a very busy week and as we round up the assessments this week, it must be said that Year 2 have worked beautifully (as usual!) all week and shown some super attitudes to learning.

As you’ll know, the school photographer was in school last week to take our fantastic group shots – always a great sight to see. I wanted to pass on to parents and carers the lovely feedback she gave us: she wanted to share that the children’s conduct was ‘outstanding’ and that she had been very impressed with them all – great to be able to share this feedback with you.

Just a reminder that, as ever, if you have any questions, ideas or feedback that you want to share with us, for example about your child’s transition in summer to their next class, I will always welcome a conversation and can happily arrange a meeting to discuss questions that arise – no matter how small they might seem. It’s all part of making sure the children have what they need!

I look forward to seeing you all this week at the Parents’ Progress events.

Lucy Hudson – Head of Hunsley Primary

To read our current Newsletter please click here.

Contact Us
Louise Hitchin - School Administrator
Hunsley Primary
Bluebird Way
HU15 1XB

Telephone: 01482 330883
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