Newsletter w/c 27/11/2017

The weeks are rushing by and it is hard to believe that we are nearing the end of November. As you’ll know, every hour of the day in school counts towards each child reaching their full potential. We continue to work very closely as a team to deliver carefully planned, engaging learning experiences designed to help the children develop as learners as well as socially confident individuals. We have very much enjoyed the most recent week’s activities, including our visits to Tropical World in Leeds and our PE sessions with South Hunsley staff and Fit4Fun. We have also welcomed into school Mrs Helena Webster and Mr Paddy Hall last week – both Local Governors (and Mr Hall a Director of the Trust too) to monitor the standards delivered in school and to give me feedback on what they find. This feedback is always very useful, showing how our Local Governors are very much part of the wider school leadership team driving the school forward to continued success.

Thank you also to all of our parents and volunteers who helped us to deliver the two successful trips last week! It is no surprise that we always say ‘We are a Team!’ at Hunsley Primary.

Lucy Hudson

To read our current newsletter please click here.

Contact Us
Louise Hitchin - School Administrator
Hunsley Primary
Bluebird Way
HU15 1XB

Telephone: 01482 330883
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