Newsletter wc 30 April 2018

Thank you to all our families for your support and input last week: we really value the conversations, feedback and insights parents and carers give. As all of the children progress towards national assessments this summer (Reception: EYFS Statutory Profile; Year 1: Phonics Screening Check, and Year 2: Key Stage 1 SATs) their teachers are delivering really personalised and detailed learning experiences for the individuals in their classes – every child needs something unique and you’ll not be surprised to hear that their teachers really ‘go to town’ on providing that in class. We all enjoy seeing the children grow and flourish each week: when the Celebration Assembly comes round every Friday, it is quite telling to see all members of the team smiling broadly as children from every class come up to collect their certificates. There’s something very special about working in a smaller school – staff really get to know all the children and never stop following their progress, even as they move on in the school. With this in mind, our focus on transition will soon begin!

So, thank you all for helping us to really personalise how we meet children’s needs – never hesitate to speak with us and share your ideas and questions: it’s how we work best together.

To read our full newsletter please click here.

Contact Us
Louise Hitchin - School Administrator
Hunsley Primary
Bluebird Way
HU15 1XB

Telephone: 01482 330883
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