Open Event and more…

What a wonderfully festive Open Event we had on Saturday! It was lovely to see our Hunsley Families enjoying themselves and getting to know some of our interested parents and pre-schoolers who came to find out more about our school. We hope that you enjoyed the event as much as we did and don’t forget to put out that reindeer food on Christmas Eve.

The next couple of weeks are full of seasonal activities from around the world: as we count down through Advent, the children will also be learning about Hanukkah and finding out about a range of celebrations held at this time of year. ‘How is the world filled with colour?’ draws to a conclusion with answers to be found in everything from the children’s artwork to their science investigations.

The Not Now Nativity is shaping up well with some catchy tunes and memorable lines. Thank you to all of our fantastic helpers, including our guest ‘Artistic Director’, Mrs Nunn, and our ‘Costume Designers’, Mrs Pearson and Mrs Richardson, who are all busy behind the scenes making for a very polished performance, and not forgetting Mr Parker, and his help with technical wizardry!

We look forward to seeing our families there on the day.

To read our current newsletter please click here.

Contact Us
Louise Hitchin - School Administrator
Hunsley Primary
Bluebird Way
HU15 1XB

Telephone: 01482 330883
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