Reception 2020 – Our Ofsted-rated ‘Outstanding’ EYFS provision

If you have a child who is due to start school – including siblings of our current pupils – please do fill out our online ‘Express an Interest’ form or let Mrs Hitchin know via our ‘Enquiries’ email address. This will help us to keep you informed about admissions information and events. Please do also share this information with friends and family if they have an interest in applying for a Reception place at Hunsley Primary too.

Don’t forget! Hunsley Primary is part of the co-ordinated scheme for admissions and therefore applications for school places must be submitted via the Local Authority (LA) which oversees the area in which you live. The LA’s Admissions webpages will have further information on how to do this.

We are looking forward to our open event this week and do hope that our interested families are able to join us.


Contact Us
Louise Hitchin - School Administrator
Hunsley Primary
Bluebird Way
HU15 1XB

Telephone: 01482 330883
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