Super Investigation skills!

It is hard to believe that we are in our third week already and time is passing so quickly. The children are experiencing such busy weeks of learning!

Last week for Reception in particular was a very exciting week – someone crept into the Three Bears’ Cottage and broke a table! The children spent the week trying to get to the bottom of this mystery, measuring footprints and checking out clues. You might have seen some of the photographs on the website or on Tapestry.They certainly enjoy a good investigation.

Year 1 had a ‘sweet’ challenge too, exploring which materials would create the most efficiently built Hansel and Gretel house walls: chocolate fingers, marshmallows or biscuits. Now, perhaps we could try those on the new school…?

Contact Us
Louise Hitchin - School Administrator
Hunsley Primary
Bluebird Way
HU15 1XB

Telephone: 01482 330883
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