Welcome Back!

Lucy Hudson

Welcome back and a very Happy New Year to everyone! We have been looking forward to seeing the children again and hearing all about the holidays.

May I take this opportunity to thank you all on behalf of the staff for your lovely cards, feedback, messages and kindness at the end of term. We hope that the children are feeling rested, as well as fully recovered where bugs were challenging the boundless energy and enthusiasm we usually see. Back to their thriving selves, we hope! The children did amazingly well in their performances during that final week of term – we were so impressed – as were their audiences!

As usual, we have a busy and full Spring term ahead. On Monday 6 January, the HP staff team members were in school, engaged in a range of professional development activities, from off-site visits and first-aid training to curriculum planning for the year ahead. We have been excited to get involved with some really interesting educational research and evidence-based practice via the Wolds Research School, based at South Hunsley. This term, we welcome our Yorkshire Wolds trainee teacher – Miss Relph – who will be working closely with Ms Boyes and Mrs Staniforth in Year 2 until the end of the year.

There are various clubs and new activities beginning this week, so please do check our current Newsletter for details. I am also looking to set up a drama group for children who are particularly interested in working collaboratively to explore performing and will be talking to the children about what this entails. We also will be hosting a Tigers’ Trust girls’ football initiative in school this term – more on these new clubs and activities soon.
Have a super week!

Contact Us
Louise Hitchin - School Administrator
Hunsley Primary
Bluebird Way
HU15 1XB

Telephone: 01482 330883
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