Welcome Back!

Welcome back to all our children and families this week! We are looking forward to the second half of the Spring Term which proves to be packed with all sorts of curriculum activities. May I also thank you all for your support and enthusiasm last half term in helping the children to get involved in the diverse range of wider learning provision we offer: this is all part of a rich curriculum to broaden experiences and support teamwork, inclusion, and positive physical and mental health in the children.

The children’s personal health and wellbeing is always very close to our hearts and minds, and this term we are continuing to focus on enriching our ‘Talk Time’ curriculum to ensure that it continues to grow with and respond to the developing school. Talk Time is what we call our Personal, Social, Health, Economic and Relationship curriculum – specifically because we know it is essential to encourage the children to talk about citizenship and their own wellbeing as part of a healthy approach. We welcome all parents to come to talk with us too about any aspect of the school’s provision. Thank you to Mr Howell for coming to talk to Y3 and 4 this week about charity work.

If you want to know more about our curriculum philosophy and content, please do come to talk with me and I would be very happy to share how we go about building learning from Reception upwards.

I look forward to talking with you more about curriculum this year! Have a super week.

Lucy Hudson – Head of Hunsley Primary

To read our current newsletter please visit our ‘Useful Downoads’ page.


Contact Us
Louise Hitchin - School Administrator
Hunsley Primary
Bluebird Way
HU15 1XB

Telephone: 01482 330883
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