Welcome Back!

Happy New Year to everyone! I do hope that you have all had a super holiday and the children feel refreshed and ready for the new term.

The end of term was such a super time, and we all enjoyed the nativities and festivities. The children did so well. I wanted to thank you for the lovely cards and kind gifts we received at the end of term – it was really thoughtful. Sometimes, gifts appear without a name or card attached, and we would not want you to think these were missed – please accept my thanks for all the kind gestures you and the children made. We especially love to look through the cards and see the happy messages the children write.

As we return, it’s time to look forward to the various events and activities planned in school. We also have a focus on the statutory events and dates we need to bring to your attention: please add the key dates and times in your diaries and we will provide further information as the term progresses There is a reminder below about dates which must not be missed. The deadline for applying for a reception place is the 15 January, so don’t forget to send your application in to the LA if you have a younger child starting school in September 2025. I also look forward to seeing you at our Stay and Play and our ParentLearn drop-in which are both next week! Until then, I wish you a super first week back in the school routine.

Lucy Hudson


Contact Us
Louise Hitchin - School Administrator
Hunsley Primary
Bluebird Way
HU15 1XB

Telephone: 01482 330883
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